Advocating for Offshore Wind in Delaware

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Delaware Offshore Wind Events

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
October 21, 2024 is the deadline to comment on the newly-designated Middle Atlantic Call Area.
Kinds of Input that is Effective:
“We greatly appreciate people taking the time to attend this meeting. The input that is most helpful and influential at this point in the process is that which is specific to the Central Atlantic 2 Call Area, such as information on uses of specific areas for fishing or recreation, recommended setbacks or distances from shore, or information on areas of multiple ocean uses where conflict may be higher. While individuals are free to comment on their support or opposition to offshore wind more broadly, general comments are difficult to integrate into an offshore wind lease planning effort. We look forward to your participation and appreciate you making the time to meet with us at this important, early step in BOEM’s offshore wind lease planning process.”
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Delaware’s Climate Action Plan Events
There’s an opportunity in each county to learn more about Delaware’s Climate Action Plan, and to weigh in on what you think should be done. 4 pm to 7 pm at each venue.
Tuesday, October 22, Modern Maturity Center in Dover (1121 Forrest Ave., Dover, DE 19904)
Tuesday, October 29, CHEER Community Center in Georgetown (20520 Sand Hill Rd., Georgetown, DE 19947)
Wednesday, October 30, Route 9 Library and Innovation Center in New Castle (3022 New Castle Ave., New Castle, DE 19720)
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Wind Turbine Overlooking Ocean

What’s New: Offshore Wind in Delaware

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Central Atlantic 2nd Offshore Wind Sale. September 2024
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is gearing up for a new auction of Central Atlantic lease areas that they project will take place in 2026.

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Delaware Offshore Wind Facts

Delaware Offshore Wind Jobs


Where there’s an offshore wind project there will be jobs.
These jobs can be sorted into three categories: Direct (construction, engineering, etc.), Indirect (food trucks, manufacture of turbine components), and Operations and Maintenance (ongoing maintenance). If the project site is off the coast of Delaware, Delawareans will be able to apply for jobs in all three categories.

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Offshore Wind Delaware Children Running in Field


There are health and climate benefits of offshore wind facilities in the mid-Atlantic United States.
Electricity from fossil fuels contributes substantially to both climate change and the health burden of air pollution.

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Offshore Wind Delaware Woman Holding No Planet B Sign

Climate Change

Climate change is speeding toward catastrophe, UN panel says.
A new report says it is still possible to hold global warming to relatively safe levels, but doing so will require global cooperation, billions of dollars and big changes.

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Sports fishermen off Block Island, RI, find that the underwater structures of offshore wind turbines enhance fishing. Commercial fishermen have concerns.
The data shows that recreational anglers fare well near offshore wind turbines. Some commercial fishermen are troubled by the location of offshore wind turbines and the possibility of tangling their gear on the turbine underwater structures.

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Offshore Wind Delaware Coastline

Tourism/Public Perception

Polls, visual simulations, research flesh out the picture of public reaction/response to offshore wind.
Delaware offshore wind developer specialists have worked out how an offshore wind farm will look under varying conditions, showing simulations to illustrate their point.

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Offshore Delaware Wind Sunset Over Ocean

Making Landfall

Shore residents have a particular interest in how and where landfall will take place.
They want to know how it will look and if it will disturb the environment.

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BOEM Lease Areas

View Bureau of Ocean Energy Management maps of the area off Delaware’s coast, and learn about BOEM hearings. What has POWER said at the hearings? What are DNREC’s comments?
BOEM controls all offshore wind activity 3 miles from the shore out to the edge of territorial waters.That is the area where offshore wind projects will be located. All federal permits required of offshore wind developers are handled by BOEM.

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Offshore Wind Delaware Bird in Flight


“Wind energy can be a powerful factor in protecting the birds that we love,” says the Audubon Society. Read about guidelines for protecting seafaring birds.
Bird lovers want to see birds protected, fearing deadly collisions. Climate change is an even greater threat, you will read.

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Delaware Offshore Wind Whale Breaching

Marine Mammals

There are no data or evidence linking whale mortalities to any one specific factor, including offshore wind development.
NOAA, the Marine Mammal Commission, and the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management all find no connection between whale strandings and offshore wind.

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